The following is a complete listing of all 326 individual relics of Saints & the Blessed (last updated August 28th, 2024) in the All Saints Shrine at Sacred Heart Byzantine Catholic Church. They are presented in alphabetical order, with a timeline listing by date of death also available. If more than one Relic is possessed by the Shrine, the number is shown in brackets after the Saint's name. Relics associated with the Life, Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Christ are also on display at the Shrine.
- Agnes of Rome, Virgin and “Great Martyr”
- Agrippina of Rome, Virgin and Martyr
- Alexander, Patriarch of Alexandria
- Alexius of Edessa, Mesopotamia (and Rome), “Man of God” & Penitent
- Ambrose, Bishop of Milan and Father of the Church (Spiritual father of St. Augustine)
- Ananias of Damascus, Bishop and Martyr (Converted St. Paul)
- Anastasia of Rome, Virgin and Martyr (2)
- Anastasia of Sirmium, Virgin and Martyr
- Andrew the Apostle, Brother of Peter (2)
- Anne, Mother of Our Lady (2)
- Anonymous, Martyr (Expeditus)
- Anthony the Great of Egypt, Abbot (2)
- Anthony of Padua, Franciscan Priest
- Apollonia of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr
- Aquila of Corinth, Disciple of Paul (Spouse of Priscilla)
- Athanasius, Patriarch of Alexandria and Father of the Church
- Augustine, Bishop of Hippo and Father of the Church
- Bacchus, Soldier and Martyr, Companion of St. Sergius (2)
- Balthasar (Magi)
- Barbara of Nicomedia, Virgin and "Great Martyr"
- Barnabas, Disciple of St. Paul (2)
- Barsanuphius the Great of Gaza, Anchorite
- Bartholomew the Apostle (2)
- Basil the Elder, Father of Basil the Great
- Basil the Great, Bishop of Cappadocian Caesarea and Father of the Church (2)
- Basil (Vasiľ) Hopko, Auxiliary Bishop of Prešov & Martyr (Under yoke of Soviet Communism)
- Benedict Joseph Labre
- Benedict of Nursia, Abbot and Founder of the Benedictines (2)
- Bernadette Soubirous of Lourdes, France (Visionary of the Immaculate Conception)
- Bibiana (Viviana) of Rome, Virgin and Martyr
- Blaise, Bishop of Sebaste and Martyr (2)
- Boniface of Tarsus, Martyr
- Boris, Prince of Kiev, Martyr
- Callistus I, Pope and Martyr
- Caspar (Magi)
- Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr (2)
- Cecilia of Rome, Virgin and Martyr
- Charbel (born Abdullah Youssef) Makhlouf, Maronite Hermit
- Crescentius of Rome, Martyr
- Christina of Persia, Virgin Martyr
- Chrysogonus, Bishop of Aquileia, Martyr
- Clare of Assisi, Co-Founder of Poor Clares
- Clement of Alexandria, Head of the Catechetical School
- Clement I of Rome, Pope, Martyr, and Father of the Church
- Clement, Martyr
- Constantine the Great, Emperor, "Equal to the Apostles"
- Cornelius the Centurion, 1st Bishop of Caesarea
- Cornelius of Rome, Pope and Martyr
- Corona, Damascus, Patron Against Plague and Martyr (Co-Martyr with husband, Victor)
- Cosmas, Syrian Physician and Martyr (Twin of Damian) (3)
- Cunegunda, Holy Roman Empress / Benedictine Nun
- Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, Martyr, and Father of the Church
- Cyriacus of Attala in Pamphylia & Boy Martyr (son of Juliet, Martyr of Attala, Pamphilia)
- Cyril, Apostle to the Slavs (Brother of Methodius) (2)
- Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria and Father of the Church
- Cyril, Patriarch of Jerusalem and Father of the Church
- Damian, Syrian Physician and Martyr (Twin of Cosmas) (3)
- Demetrius of Thessaloniky, Soldier, "Great Martyr"
- Deodatus, Bishop of Antioch
- Dionysius the Areopagite, Disciple of St. Paul, First Bishop of Athens, Martyr
- Dismas (Dimas), the "Good Thief"
- Diodatus, Bishop of Antioch, Martyr
- Donatus the Confessor, Bishop of Euroea, Albania
- Dymphna, Virgin and Martyr
- Elizabeth, Mother of John the Baptist (2)
- Emilia of Cappadocia (wife of Saint Basil the Elder, Mother of Saints Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa, Peter of Sebaste and Saint Macrina the Younger)
- Ephraem of Edessa, Deacon, Syrian Hymn Writer and Father of the Church
- Eugenius of Trebizond, Martyr
- Eulalia of Barcelona, Virgin and Martyr
- Expeditus of Rome (Unknown Soldier Saint)
- Faustina Kowalska, Nun (Apostle of the Western Divine Mercy Devotion)
- Felicia, Virgin, Martyred at Caligari, Sardinia Felicity of Carthage, Martyr (Co-Martyr with Perpetua)
- Felicitas of Rome, Martyr (Executed along with her Seven Martyred Sons: Silanus, Januarius, Alexander, Vitalis, Martial, Felix and Philip)
- Florian of Austria, Martyr and Patron of Firefighters
- Francis of Assisi, Deacon and Founder of the Franciscans (2)
- Fructuosus, Bishop of Tarragona, Martyr
- Gemma Galgani, Mystic & Stigmatic (2)
- George, Soldier and Martyr (2)
- Gleb, Prince of Kiev, Martyr
- Gregory of Nazianzus, Patriarch of Constantinople and Father of the Church
- Gregory of Nyssa, Bishop and Father of the Church (2)
- Helena, Empress, Mother of Constantine I (2)
- Hilarion the Great, of Gaza in Palestine, Anchorite
- Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor (Spouse of St. Cunagunda, Empress and Bendictine Nun)
- Hippolytus of Rome, Theologian, Priest, for eighteen years an Anti-pope, Martyr
- Holy Cross of Christ (5)
- Holy Innocents (Multiple Male Infant Bone Fragments unearthed in Bethlehem from a mass grave. Dated during the reign of Herod the Great.)
- Hubert, Bishop of Liège
- Ignatius of Antioch, Church Father
- Irene, Virgin and Martyr
- Jacinta Marto, Child Visionary of Fatima (Hair)
- James the Greater, Apostle (2)
- James the Just, “Brother of the Lord”, First Bishop of Jerusalem, author of the Epistle (2)
- James the Lesser, Apostle (2)
- Januarius (Genarro), Bishop of Benevento and Martyr
- Jerome, Priest and Doctor of the Church
- Joachim, Father of the Virgin Mary
- John, Apostle and Evangelist (2)
- John the Baptist (2)
- John de Brebeuf, Jesuit Priest, North American Martyr
- John Chrysostom, Patriarch of Constantinople and Father of the Church (2)
- John of Damascus, Monk and Father of the Church
- John Fisher, Cardinal of Rochester and Martyr
- John Neumann, Bishop of Philadelphia
- John Paul II, Pope (Pericardium; plus piece of his Blood-Stained Cassock) (2)
- John the Varangian of Kiev, Martyr (Son of co-martyr, Theodore the Varangian)
- Joseph of Nazareth, Foster Father of Jesus (Portion of his Cloak) (2)
- Joseph of Arimathea (Complete right index finger)
- Jucunda of Nicomedia, Martyr
- Jude Thaddeus the Apostle (2)
- Juliana of Nicomedia, Martyr
- Julius I of Rome, Pope and Martyr
- Justin Martyr, 1st Christian Philosopher, Apologist
- Justina of Antioch, Martyr
- Kateri (Catherine) Tekakwitha, First Native American Saint ("Lily of the Mohawks") (2)
- Lawrence of Rome, Deacon and Martyr
- Lazarus of Bethany, “The Resurrected One” (First Bishop of Cyprus)
- Leo I, Pope of Rome
- Longinus, Centurion (Pierced the Side of Christ) and Martyr
- Louis IX, King of France
- Lucy, Virgin and Martyr
- Luke the Evangelist (3)
- Macrina the Younger, Church Mother sister of Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa, & Peter of Sebaste
- Marina (Margaret) of Antioch, Virgin and Martyr
- Maria Goretti, Virgin and Martyr
- Manna of Saint Nicholas of Myra (Bari Basilica) (3)
- Mark the Evangelist (3)
- Maron, Syrian Monk (Spiritual Father of the Maronites)
- Martha of Bethany
- Martin, Bishop of Tours
- Mary of Bethany
- Mary of Egypt, Penitent (2)
- Mary Magdalene, Equal to the Apostles (3)
- Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, O. Carm., Mystic
- Mary of Nazareth, Mother of Christ (Veil) (2)
- Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist (3)
- Matthias the Apostle (3)
- Maximus the Confessor, Abbot and Father of the Church
- Melania the Younger
- Melchior (Magi)
- Methodius, Apostle to the Slavs (Brother of Cyril) (2)
- Monica, Widow and Mother of St. Augustine of Hippo
- Nicholas of Myra and Bari, Archbishop and Patron of Children (a.k.a., “Santa Claus”)
- Nicodemus the Pharisee (Friend of Joseph of Arimathea)
- Olga, Princess of Kiev, “Equal to the Apostles”
- Olivia, Virgin, Martyred at Palermo
- Onuphrius “The Great”, Hermit (2)
- Pantaleon of Nicomedia, Physician, Wonderworker and Martyr
- Papias, Bishop of Hieropolis, Apostolic Father, Martyr (“Hearer of John, … companion of Polycarp” - St. Irenaeus of Lyons)
- Paul Gojdič, Rusyn Bishop of Prešov & Martyr (Under the yoke of Soviet Communism)
- Paul of Tarsus, Apostle and Martyr (4)
- Paul of the Cross, Priest and Founder of the Passionist Order (2)
- Paula of Rome, Early Desert Mother (Friend of St. Jerome)
- Perpetua of Carthage, Martyr (Co-Martyr with Felicity)
- Peter the Apostle, Martyr (5)
- Peter I, Patriarch of Alexandria, Martyr
- Philip the Apostle, Martyr (4)
- Philomena, Virgin and Martyr
- Pio of Pietrelcina, Capuchin, Wonderworker, Stigmatic and Mystic
- Pius X, Pope of Rome (2)
- Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, Father of the Church, Martyr
- Priscilla of Corinth, Disciple of Paul (Spouse of Aquila)
- Romanos the Melodist, Deacon and Syro-Greek Hymnographer
- Sabbas, Abbot
- Scholastica, Foundress of the Benedictine Sisters
- Sebastian, Soldier and Martyr
- Sergius, Soldier and Martyr, Military of St. Bacchus (2)
- Silvanus, Associate of St. Paul
- Silvanus, Martyred in Alexandria
- Silvester I, Pope
- Simon the Zealot, Apostle and Martyr (3)
- Simeon, Second Bishop of Jerusalem and Cousin of Our Lord
- Simeon the God-Receiver of Jerusalem
- Simeon Stylites
- Simon the Apostle (3)
- Sixtus II of Rome, Pope and Martyr
- Stephen the First Martyr, Deacon (2)
- Sylvester I, Pope of Rome
- Tarcisius of Rome, Acolyte and Martyr, Patron of Acolytes & First Communicants
- Tatiana of Rome, Deaconess and Martyr
- Teresa of Avila, Carmelite Mystic and Doctor of the Church
- Teresa of Calcutta (Habit fragments) (2)
- Thecla of Iconium, Apostolic Virgin and Martyr
- Therese of Lisieux, Carmelite Nun and Doctor of the Church
- Theodore Romzha, Ruthenian Bishop of Mukachene, Martyr (Under the Communist yoke)
- Theodore the Studite, Abbot in Constantinople, Theologian
- Theodore the Varangian of Kiev, Martyr (Father of co-martyr, John the Varangian)
- Theodore the Recruit, Martyr, Asia Minor
- Thomas the Apostle (3)
- Thomas a Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury and Martyr
- Thomas More, Lord Chancellor of England and Martyr
- Three Magi (Casper, Melchior, Balthazar)
- Timothy, and Bishop of Ephesus
- Titus of Crete, Disciple of St. Paul
- Tryphon the Falconer of Lampsacus, Syria, Martyr
- Valerian of Rome, Martyr and Husband of St. Cecilia
- Valentine of Rome, Priest and Martyr)
- Victor, Damascus, Martyr (Co-Martyr with wife, Corona)
- Victoria of Rome, Virgin and Martyr
- Vitus (Guy), Martyr
- Vladimir the Great, Prince of Kiev, “Equal to the Apostles”
- Wenceslaus, Duke of Bohemia and Martyr (“Good King”)
- Zachary (Zachariah), Father of St. John the Baptist