The Shrine of All Saints at Sacred Heart Byzantine Catholic Church was the vision of Father Joseph Marquis, pastor of Sacred Heart Byzantine Catholic Chuch and the founder of The Saint Nicholas Institute. Awed by the piety of the holy men and women who are the living stones which built the Church and blessed with miraculous acquisition of relics of many saints, Fr Joseph determined to establish the Shrine of All Saints so these touchstones to the sacred history of the Church could be shared with as many people as possible.
The result has been a unique place of pilgrimage and learning; a sacred refuge from the mundane world where the history of the Church is brought to life and the bones of those who have gone before us to their eternal reward speak to us and pray with us.

Liturgy is offered of the 3rd Saturday of every month for the intentions of the members of the Guild. All members are asked to pray for each other and the Shrine. Please consider joining the Guild for a donation of $10 a year. Donations may be made at the Shrine or online.

The Shrine of All Saints at Sacred Heart Byzantine Catholic Church has been covered in the press (articles linked below). If you are a member of the press and would like to cover the Shrine, please contact us.
- "Surrounded by Saints" - National Catholic Register, 11/1/2019
- "Michigan Church Treasure Trove of Saints' Relics" - ChurchMilitant.com, 6/12/2019
- Byzantine church hosts one of the largest collections of relics in southeast Michigan - Detroit Catholic, 1/17/2020
- "Epiphany" show on Ave Maria Radio 2nd July 2022