Welcome to the All Saints Shrine at Sacred Heart Byzantine Catholic Church, a place of pilgrimage and devotion for all Christians who desire a closer connection with the great men and women of Christian History.
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the foundation, corner- and capstone of our faith, but the martyrs, preachers, teachers and missionaries who spread Christianity throughout the world with their witness, love, service and even blood are also living stones in the Church.
Here at the All Saints Shrine you will find relics of these holy men and women, beautifully displayed in a place of pious tranquility for your prayer, devotion and meditation. Visit us at the Shrine and pray with these Christians who have gone before you to their eternal reward with Our Lord and Savior in Heaven. Browse this website to learn more about these warriors for Christ. And please consider a donation to support our work of bringing these witnesses to the awesome power of God to the world.